Monday 20 February 2012

Finding gratitude in the midst of my vanilla tea madness

My Vanilla Tea  :-)

The last two weeks have been really crazy, hence I am sitting back today with my steaming cup of vanilla tea to reflect on some of this madness.

Work has been a constant rush of meetings, deadlines, documents and excel spread sheets. The constant “hurry hurry” of it all just never seems to end. My days and night time dreams have been plagued by rushing from one point to another.

This week I am taking back my sanity, one step at a time. I am no systems slave and I refuse to sit here hating every minute of it.  From here on out I am focussing on my gratitude list, this week I am grateful for;

  • GOD who never forsaking my needs and knows my hearts desires better than I do
  • Family (as crazy as they may be),
  • LOVE that always seems to amaze me just when I think I have seen it all,
  • My home (that I get to share with the most loving man in the world, even when he gets on my nerves ),
  • My life experiences (because without them I would not be who I am today), 
  • Good food and wine (because it feeds my soul), 
  • People who have done me wrong because from them I have taken the lesson of truth and learnt to FORGIVE,
  • Good Education because with it has come a sense of liberation that I cannot even begin to explain.
I am also so very grateful for the many things that are still to come in this life; those planned, those surprises and those set out for me by a higher power. 

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