Tuesday 19 April 2011

Political Limelight

We are a few weeks away from the Elections and political parties are at it again fighting for power and place.

Everywhere you go there are bill boards and chants as the tension among them all mount to see who walks away with which area and how many counsellors. Debates are also livening up as political parties bring out dirty secrets about their rivals and as they present racially unified fronts for their parties.

Manifestos have made their rounds speaking eloquently of the needs of the people; promising homes, proper service delivery and respect for all.  These things tend to be words on white paper, never seeing the light of day in the real world.

The real world where 4.3 Million South Africans are unemployed (Stats SA 2010) and poverty is the order of the day.  

The real world were almost 850 people die of HIV/ Aids every day (Avert, 2010 Report) and child headed households are increasing at an alarming rate.

The real world where police brutality is still allowed in a country that knows the traumatic consequences of these acts first hand, having lived through and era of apartheid and segregation.

In this country we have come a long way for freedom and it has come at a price. We have a democracy that our government does not fully understand or value and a country ruled by talkers and very few doers.

We need leaders that deliver on more than just words!!

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