Thursday 29 October 2015

Wisdom from silent corners

Life can be incredibly short so do not waste it idling on could have been dreams or should have been wishes.

Live your now as best you can. It might just be my age speaking, but it is a special kind of gift to be able to be present for the things that really matter. Being mindful of the life you have can be incredibly rewarding at the oddest of times.

You might not yet own those possessions that you think you need; like that house you want, or that car or have that job that speaks to you but there are many things you do have. You have your faith, be it a belief in God, Allah, Brahman or to attain spiritual enlightenment like Buddha. You have your health, which may not always be great but you wake up every morning.  You have family, they can be the one you are born into and the one you acquire through years of living.

I read somewhere that it takes a special kind of courage to do great things and all those great thing inevitably comes from being the best version of you possible

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