Saturday 18 June 2011

Silent battles

Helpless at WAR
Sunday i spent some time reading a Palestinian newspaper and my heart bled for all those whose stories are not being told, for all those who live in fear every single day.  Having celebrated Youth Day in South Africa makes the need to stop the silence even more real for me.

Every newspaper over the globe has at some point written an article on how either side have a tale to tell.  My concern is not who is right or who is wrong; it is however about how many innocent people on either side will die for a battle that is not even there’s to fight in the first place.

Women and children are driven to flee their home, their lives and their families for fear of persecution or death. Educated Palestinians are forced to work for minimum wage and still pay the same taxes as Israelis do without any benefits, they are forced out of their homes to live in squalor and their schools are demolished for the fun of it. Their children are denied the right to education, health and freedom and they are kept silent by fear and those who are vocal are killed in the masses.

This is a silent genocide and how many will we let die in vain?

Many developing countries and religious groups look at this war and say “it is not theirs”  to intervene but if no one says anything and we all do nothing many more innocent people will die and those who fought vigorously  will have died for nothing. 

The fight for land is as old as time; you read of it in the bible and in roman mythology yet on these same scrolls there is also talk of peace, unity and a brotherly understanding “when nations meet”. I imagine leaders have in the hunger for power, the greed for money and in their arrogance forgotten that one unit (Nation) cannot function without the other.

It is time that the silence stops and leader stake responsibility, it’s time that peace prevails regardless of the past.

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