Thursday 8 March 2012


Never underestimate a women

We may not all look alike;  
some of us have legs that go on for days and Hips that tell their own story. 
We are filled with different colours and decades of life experience  
but do not be fooled by our grace for our strength is beyond your imagination.

We smile through tears, 
we laugh through heartache and we embrace grieving as the path to healing.

We wear our hearts on our sleeves 
and because we are so special God saw us fit to carry his greatest gift in our wombs. 
We are blessed to bring life into this world and spend our entire lives protecting, nurturing and learning

Unlike any man will ever do we have fought for equality of race, gender and opportunity in heels and with our dignity intact.

We are not defined by the clothes on our back or the language we speak. 
We are defined by what is inside
For in us you find courage , grace and strength. 

So regardless of what you are told in this life, as women we do indeed rule our world. 

Happy International Women's Day 

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