Wednesday 11 May 2011

Your freedom should be mine too

The craziness of the build up to this elections is just too much.

Politicians are out campaigning every where you look selling promises and playing on emotions. The apartheid line has been out played, for how many more years are we going to blame colour and race for the situations we find ourselves in?

It angers me to my core that parties are playing on community colour loyalty (saying vote for your own people); to the Malema's of this world "isn't my people as South African as yours regardless of their colour?".

They fought the same struggle that you so often quote "as being your own", they died for freedom too. This freedom that you use and abuse so publicly. The freedom you milk dry with your lush parties and greed.

I think the blame games need to stop, that responsibility needs to be taken and leaders need to step up to the plate. They need to earn peoples respect and not demand it because of the party they represent.

Our blood is as red as yours and poverty effects us in our communities just like it does in townships.

Lets move beyond the stereotypes, otherwise we will always be living an apartheid that is only understood by those who created it and thrive on it's chaos.

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