Saturday 26 November 2011

The end of one road, the beginning of another!!

This week a very good friend and university class mate set off for a new adventure, the island lifestyle in the land of smiles she tells me. She packed up her life, sold everything she owned and headed off to Phuket in pursuit of her dream and bring her closer to owning a B&B on an island somewhere.

It then dawned on me that since we have all finished our final exams and handed in our final portfolios this really marks an ending to a chapter in our lives.We have spent 4 years (on and off) many times thinking we would not make it being bombarded with assignments, having full time jobs and lives.

I am so proud of her and all the other people i have been privileged to spend these years with and call friends.  We have shared so much laughter, cried together at loss and spent so many weekends working on deadlines (right now it seems like it was ages ago).

On this journey we have learnt to live without regrets and  to get up whenever we get knocked down by a bad grade or a stint of gossip. We have learnt to nurture friendships and value good relationships. Getting here has made it very clear to all of us that nothing is impossible as long as you keep working at it. 

On a personal note, the future looks exciting (I foresee many new journeys and learning curves just around the corner). 

The road to get here has been long and winding with many breaks in between but as i think back its been worth it.

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