Tuesday 29 November 2011

Frustration Just Ahead

Today i am hoping that if i write my frustrations down it will help me feel better, so here we are:

I am frustrated by the waiting for my portfolio marks and worrying if I pass all of them. I am frustrated with the world and all its constant wars, death and lack of humanity that we all do nothing about.

I am frustrated by people and how easily they break one another’s spirits, how they pass on their insecurities and inadequateness into the lives of those around them.

I am frustrated by my own indecisive about the future; should i do this Honours in Journalism? Should i take the year off? Should I, Should I..... too many options and too little time.

Frustrated by my job, even though I am immensely grateful to have one where I am still helping people all be it indirectly. I can’t help feeling that this is not my calling, it doesn’t motivate me to get out of bed in the morning, it doesn’t bring me the kind of joy i seek.

I feel numb, unappreciated and tired. This might be the end of the year “blues” getting the best of me but as far fetched as it  may sound my body, mind and spirit yearns a holiday without stress or any of the frustrations life brings.  

All of this being said i know that i am frustrated by external factors outside of my control as well as internal factors that i can control if i worked at it. I know that i need to simplify and extradite the noise in my life so i can redefine my balance.....Yes all these things i know however right now I yearn silence and none of the complexities of the world, a book and my sofa for a few days and i will be right as rain. 

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