Monday 5 December 2011

Being Thankful for LIFE

Every year at this time we are reminded of the things we are thankful for – family, friends, health, good fortune; this year in addition to all of these things, I am thankful for something else – Life.

It may sound odd, to be thankful for life because it seems something so natural but as I think back to all those who have lost their lives this year I am even more grateful to still be here. There is a sullen truth to the fact that we do not know when we will see our last sunrise, smell the fresh crisp air after the rain or get to embrace those we love. Death can come sudden and it does not ask for age, a list of accomplishments or references. 

Life does indeed end as miraculously as it began in the womb.  

This being said i take some joy in the fact that those who pass on don’t just leave us behind;  like we carry the memories of them in our hearts, from where ever they may be they forever remain watching (celebrating our successes and helping to get us up when we fall).  

I realize now more than ever that Life is a gift to us, it is our chance to love, laugh and live. 

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