Friday 2 December 2011

The power of the "Box" and a sleepless night

I seem to have a new neighbor moving into the apartment above me at this hour, as crazy as it may sound he/she is moving around furniture with the aid of some loud music and noisy company so i am forced to catch up on watching news and some television while the rest of the world slumbers.  

Though I think that the news and television content is driven largely by what society wants to know, I can't help but feel that it has a negative influence as well because it desensitizes people to many immoralities and atrocities. It portrays so much violence and cruelty and makes it seem so tidy.  

A recent study showed that by the time students graduate from high school, children who watch TV a normal amount of time will have seen thousands of realistically enacted murders, beatings, rapes, robberies and terrorism. Shows like "CSI" show graphic scenes of gore that have desensitized people to the gruesome. Basically, it is hard to shock anyone anymore.  

Those who say TV is not powerful enough to influence people and that children understand it is entertainment are kidding themselves. Advertisers pay millions for a 30 second TV spot? Because they know that TV can influence our buying decisions, our taste in clothes and food. TV has made certain behaviors socially acceptable (e.g. the promiscuity in "Friends" that would have scandalized people only a few years earlier)

That being said TV could work its power for good, but who will be the arbiter of what is good?  

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