Monday 4 March 2013

The journey of life...

This weekend i have been giving a lot of thought to the word "journey/s" and how it is different for us all. My favorite definition by far is "A process of course likened to travel, a passage: the journey of life".

Every journey is significant in its own way; it is within it that we every day discover facets of ourselves. We discover different ways to see the world, meet various people that walk a few miles with us or pass on some instant wisdom before they move off onto another path.

Like a "passage" where you pass through various versions of yourself and others . Where if you are lucky years later when you sit and reflect, you are left thinking "aaah that was interesting".

I realise of late that these journeys never end, they take us from point to point and lesson to lesson.

As we get "older and wiser" the journey evolves, it actually gets better as we get specific.Gradually we stop looking for the BIGGER picture and the cure to all the ills of this world and we can start changing the small things. The here and now things that create ripple effects in the lives around us.

The point is that "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step" [Lao-tze Tao Te Ching].

Friday 1 March 2013

Read all about it...

Read All about it, Pt III by Emeli Sandre 

I am not one for sappy songs but i love this one!