Monday 21 May 2012

Being more....

Someone once told me that "you need to be more of what you want to see in the world, that will make it better".

Safe to say at that point in my life i did not understand the expression or what my very philosophical friend meant by it, I just thought she was being her whimsical self with her anecdotes on life.

But today while doing some preparation work (for my own big step) her words resonated with me once more; "you need to be more of what you want to see in the world..." from this i take that if i want to see goodness and light in this world i need for it to start with me and what i project to the world.  If i want great adventures and new beginnings i need to be open to them, be open to taking a chance and risking it a little.

Not an easy task i know.

As crazy as it may sound this expression reminds me that my projection of life and light to the world will somehow be projected back into my own life, it may not happen in the ways i expect nor will it happen  overnight but it will happen.

I know that i cannot miraculously change the world but my thoughts and my deeds can make it better.

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